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Predpredaj, dátum emisie 10.11, mince budú na sklade 14.11.2014
The Ilmari Tapiovaara special coin is designed by Pro Finlandia medal winning designer Harri Koskinen, one of the most distinguished contemporary Finnish designers.
”Finnish coin design is set apart by its clean lines. This commemorative two-euro coin designed by Harri Koskinen ranks amongst the brightest stars in Finnish special coins. With the release of this coin, every Finnish citizen can obtain a piece of the most valued Finnish art produced in 2014,” says Mint of Finland CEO Paul Gustafsson.
”Designing circulation coins is industrial design at its best, so I was overjoyed to be given this assignment. The challenges involved in designing a commemorative two-euro coin include the small amount of space available and achieving that iconic quality,” says designer Harri Koskinen.
The special euro coin designed by Koskinen makes impressive use of the three-dimensional nature of metal coins. The commemorative special coin depicts a joint between wooden bars – a characteristic feature of Tapiovaara's designs.
”The whole is built of carefully considered details. In his diversity and skill, Ilmari Tapiovaara is one of Finland's all-time industrial designers,” Koskinen concludes.
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Predpredaj, dátum emisie 10.11, mince budú na sklade 14.11.2014